Memorial plaque to Clementine Churchill

The memorial plaque was opened in 2016 in Rostov-on-Don. This memorial plaque was installed in memory of the visit of the wife of the Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill and of the assistance she provided to the union state. Clementine Ogilvie Spencer-Churchill during the Second World War was the president of the "Red Cross of Assistance to Russia", which operated from 1941 to 1946. The Foundation rendered great assistance to the USSR with medical supplies, food, hospital equipment. The memorial plaque was set on the wall of the building where Clementine Churchill stayed in 1945.

The inscription on the plaque says: "To the Baroness Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill, with sincere gratitude for the mercy and help in the years of joint struggle against fascism and in memory of the visit to Rostov-on-Don on April 22, 1945".
